A New Kind of Resolution

H ere we are at the time of year during which we look back at what we did and didn’t accomplish in the last year and ahead at what we want to accomplish in the new year.  Some of us take this look backward and forward with a great sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, encouragement, and

Does Attitude Make a Difference?

Most of us have heard the stories of the 106-year-olds who, when asked about their secret to a long life, say something about not smoking, not drinking, taking an aspirin a day, and having a good attitude.  Medical science generally agrees with the benefits of avoiding smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, and aspirin therapy.  But what

Are You Sharing Your Music?

Oliver Wendell Holmes was quoted as saying, “A few can touch the magic string, and noisy fame is proud to win them: Alas for those that never sing, but die with all their music in them!” Our music.  That wonderful melody and harmony we often refer to as our gifts, abilities, and passions.  Some live

Stepping Up: Make Your Decisions Make a Difference

Martin Luther King.  Eleanor Roosevelt.  Albert Einstein.  Mother Teresa.  Four people who, in their own space, made important contributions to the world.  They are a diverse bunch.  But what do they have in common besides their greatness?  Each of them made a key decision (or several key decisions) that changed their lives and changed the

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